CSR HITS by Qurban Activity | HITS

CSR HITS by Qurban Activity

published on : 2019, August 12

Jakarta - PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (HITS) has conducted its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by donating 5 cows and 4 goats on Eid al-Adha 1440 H in this 2019. The distribution spreads to several HITS Group operational areas, including Bekasi, Bogor, Gresik Harbor, Ujung Pangkah, Bali and Bontang.


The meat has been completely handed over to the local community. The giving of the sacrificial animals was carried out 2 days before Eid al-Adha to Ma'had Ahlul Qur'an - Bekasi, Ma'had Baitussalam - Bogor, the people of Ujung Pangkah - Gresik, Bahari Mosque, Gresik Harbor, and 2 other HITS operational areas.


"Hopefully the CSR program of Eid al-Adha activities can be beneficial to the community and insya Allah received by Allah SWT. The company keep striving on doing qurban activities as a form of caring for the surrounding community, "said Budi Haryono, Director of HITS. (osm)

CSR HITS by Qurban Activity

published on : 2019, August 12

Jakarta - PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (HITS) has conducted its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by donating 5 cows and 4 goats on Eid al-Adha 1440 H in this 2019. The distribution spreads to several HITS Group operational areas, including Bekasi, Bogor, Gresik Harbor, Ujung Pangkah, Bali and Bontang.


The meat has been completely handed over to the local community. The giving of the sacrificial animals was carried out 2 days before Eid al-Adha to Ma'had Ahlul Qur'an - Bekasi, Ma'had Baitussalam - Bogor, the people of Ujung Pangkah - Gresik, Bahari Mosque, Gresik Harbor, and 2 other HITS operational areas.


"Hopefully the CSR program of Eid al-Adha activities can be beneficial to the community and insya Allah received by Allah SWT. The company keep striving on doing qurban activities as a form of caring for the surrounding community, "said Budi Haryono, Director of HITS. (osm)