HITS’s MBA Maritime Launching | HITS

HITS’s MBA Maritime Launching

published on : 2018, May 28

Jakarta - Collaborating with IPMI International Business School and STC Rotterdam, ETSI, one of HITS 'subsidiaries, launched the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program in Maritime Supply Chain Management on May 28, 2018 at the IPMI Jakarta campus.

This program is offered to practitioners and students to support the Government, to create Indonesia as a World Maritime Axis. Maritime has become one of the key issues for the Indonesian government in recent years. One of the programs that Indonesian President, Joko Widodo prioritizes is the Toll Maritime and making Indonesia to become a strong Maritime Center country.

The launching was opened by Eka Putro Sanjoyo, Minister of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration followed by an open discussion featuring speakers from various backgrounds. STC Rotterdam was represented by its own Director, Captain Albert Bos, while from Indonesia National Ship Owners Association (INSA) the speakers were General Secretary of the INSA DPP Budhi Halim MBA, M Eng, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs represented by Deputy IV in the Field of Human Resources, Science and Technology and Maritime Culture Coordination Dr.Ir Safri Burhanuddin, DEA and the last is Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc. Ph.D Expert Staff of the Ministry of Transportation.

MBA Maritime Supply Chain Management will be discussed about Port Development & Regionalization, Port & Terminal Management, Maritime & Commercial Law and Transport Chain Management. Capacity building in the field of Maritime Supply Chain Management will be an important asset to achieve this goal.(osm)


For further information, please contact IPMI MBA (62-21) 797 8888 or mba@ipmi.ac.id