HITS Achieved Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies Awards | HITS

HITS Achieved Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies Awards

published on : 2019, January 31

Jakarta – PT. Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (BEI stock code: HITS) has achieved another Awards. At the end of January (31/1), HITS has acquired “Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies awards 2018” category Transportasion with Assets Rp. 1T up to below Rp. 5T.


 “We are very proud, being in the 100 Fastest Growing Companies, in the middle disruption phenomenon, growing double digit is one of the management’s target every year. Insya Allah we will realize the mandate from shareholder.” said Budi Haryono, HITS President Director.


The results of the study by Biro Riset Infobank (birI) which was given to HITS at the end of last year, made us proud and touched, that HITS could be trusted to be given this award.


 “We thank infobank for this award” said Taufik Agustono, HITS Director, after receiving the award. “With this award, it will give us motivation to continue to grow by making positive profits in the onslaught of disruption” said Taufik. (osm)