First Time, HITS Iniciated at IICD Event | HITS

First Time, HITS Iniciated at IICD Event

published on : 2021, June 03

Jakarta,- PT Humpuss Intermodal Transport Tbk. (HITS) for the first time received an award in Best Responsibility of the Boards category at the 12th Corporate Governance Award, which is held annually by Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) to assess good corporate governance, in Jakarta (31/5). This year's event was held offline with still implemented strict health protocols


The award was received directly on stage by the President Director of HITS, Budi Haryono. Budi stated that HITS in the midst of the struggle to face the challenges of COVID_19 pandemic, was a gift from the God and expressed gratitude for the appreciation given by independent institutions for the implementation of good governance in HITS.


In addition, to winning the Best Responsibility of the Boards award, HITS was also included in the 50 issuers that won the best mid-capitalization award.


"Alhamdulillah, HITS won 2 awards in the category of "Best Responsibility of the Boards" and "Top 50 Mid Capitalization Public Listed Company" at The 12th IICD Corporate Governance Award 2021," said Budi. It is not easy to build a governance culture in a company that is almost 30 years old. Of course, this requires commitment from all people at HITS, starting from those who work in the office and the crew at sea who are the spearhead of performance achievement, added Budim who when receiving the award was accompanied by Prof. HM Roy Sembel, as Chairman of the HITS GCG & CSR Committee


"We as Management, become a Role Model, guiding the importance of laying the foundation of governance in every step of the business process and governance is a form of our responsibility as Management, fully committed to continuously improving the quality of its implementation in every operational practice of the Company," said Budi


HITS as the first Shipping Company that was listed in 1997 on the stock exchange board, strives to continue implementing governance that is adapted to current conditions, including periodic updating of policies, adjusted to the organizational pattern at HITS.


The Company's efforts to continue to realize the expectations of Shareholders and Stakeholders for the Company's sustainability in the future. This commitment is one of the processes to make governance a work culture in order to provide added value and continuous improvement


The award ceremony was also attended by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2009-2014 period, Boediono, the Minister of Communication and Information for the 2014-2019 period, Rudiantara, and the Chairman of IICD Sigit Pramono. (osm)