Our Company Receives Prestigious Award atthe 2023 Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards | HITS

Our Company Receives Prestigious Award atthe 2023 Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards

published on : 2023, July 06

JAKARTA, - Distribution Energy Company, PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (IDX : HITS) that we have been honored with a prestigious award at the 2023 Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards by Warta Ekonomi, that have made outstanding contributions to society through their corporate social responsibility programs.


The award was received virtually by President Director of HITS, Tonny Aulia Achmad, with the "Outstanding Program in Providing Assistance to Citizens in Need". "Thank You Warta Ekonomi, HITS has been given appreciation for its effort in assisting individuals in vulnerable situations, " said Tonny. This appreciation is a testament to our dedication and commitment to making a real difference in the lives of people, particularly those in need, he added.


"Our Company's social responsibility program to citizens in need through various initiatives. Through of initiatives addressing education, basic needs, and facilities and infrastructure. We pride in having achieved significant positive impact on the lives of the communities we serve," said Okty Saptarini M., HITS Corporate Secretary.


"This award acknowledges our commitment to conducting business with high social responsibility. We extend our gratitude to Warta Ekonomi for this recognition, as well as to all our employees and partners who have contributed to the successful implementation of these impactful social programs, " said Tonny.


Our Company will continue to strive towards enhancing and expanding our social responsibility programs to deliver even greater benefits to society. This award will serve as an added motivation for us to continue innovating and collaborating with other stakeholders in achieving our shared goals for sustainable development, closed Okty.


For further information, please contact :

Okty Saptarini M. - Corporate Secretary

