65 HITS’ Employees Children Receives Scholarships | HITS

65 HITS’ Employees Children Receives Scholarships

published on : 2016, November 06

Jakarta, -  PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (HITS) has been consistent, this time marking their 8th consecutive time, in giving scholarships to 65 Children of HITS Group Employees’ as part of the program which shows the Company’s concern over children’s education.


30 out of 65 recipients of the Scholarships joined by 50 orphans from Pondok Pesantren Daarul Muslimin and Kuntum Terati Foundation, played at Pinisi – Science & Edutainment Park on Sunday, 6 November 2016. The event titled “We are Happy Kids”, was intentionally held as the peak of the Scholarship program, symbolically accepting educational aid from the workplace of the parent.


The submission of the scholarship (aid for education) was given by HITS Commissary, Prof. Dr. Roy Sembel and HITS Corporate Secretary, Daryono. In his speech, Prof. Roy mentioned how the scholarship was given to children of either shipping crews or office employees with reputable grades. To him, this is the embodiment of the company’s concern and commitment towards the employees’ welfare.


Prof. Roy also noted how the scholarship program is continuously held by HITS Group management, “May the children always be motivated in learning and striving for their aspirations. We would like to congratulate the scholarships’ recipients.”Meanwhile, Daryono explained how the final evaluation had gone through certain stages, from the highest academic grades to non-academic requirements, such as essay writing (karangan bebas).


Dr. Murti Bunanta SS, MA, as the head of Ketua Kelompok Pecinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA) filled one session, where she elaborated how story telling for children is one of the ways to be a creative parent.


“Children must understand how to tell a story in a fun and not boring way” Murti said. There are various property which can be brought for the story telling, and the Committee was also asked to play certain roles in the aforementioned story-telling session. (*)