3 Awards from the Economic Review Magazine | HITS

3 Awards from the Economic Review Magazine

published on : 2016, October 21

Jakarta, - PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (HITS) gained their fourth award of the year within the "APTI III - 2016" held by the Economic Review Magazine in Jakarta last Friday (21/10). HITS won over three categories of the awards, namely:


  • 3rd Place - Category: Transportation Business, Infrastructure sector, Utility & Transportation (Kelompok Usaha Transportasi, sektor Infrastruktur,Utilitas & Transportasi)
  • Special Award - The Best Significant Financial Restructuring Results2016
  • Mr. Budi Haryono - The Best CFO for Significant Value Creation through Restructuring 2016


The awards were given to Companies who are driven to increase achievements, with improving performance, professionalism, and the company’s competitiveness. APTI III - 2016’s evaluation was done based on the Financial Performance 2015 with the calculations and analysis achieved from the Public Data from websites, Annual Reports of 2015, and from other varying sources. 


The judges comprised of 20 independents who emphasized on (1) CEO; (2) Finance; (3) Legal; (4) Tax; (5) GCG; (6)Risk Management; (7) Marketing; (8) Human Capital; (9) IT; (10) CSR; (11) Corporate Communication. 


HITS Director, Mr. Budi Haryono received the award for The Best CFO, commented, "Thank you for the award given, this is all due to the hard work of all the employees of HITS Group, from them and for them, with the full support from the Commissaries and President. May this push HITS to have an even better achievements, success, and prosperity to all its stakeholders." The award was received by HITS' Corporate Finance as Mr. Budi had conflicting appointments.